Why | what is The Collective about?

At The Collective, we believe in the transformative power of community, collaboration, and continuous learning. We exist to empower our members to reach their full potential, grow and elevate businesses, and enrich lives.

We believe that by fostering a dynamic and inclusive coworking environment, we can connect individuals from diverse backgrounds, industries, and skill sets, creating a collective force of innovation and creativity.

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond providing a beautiful and unique work space; our cospace is about cultivating a supportive community where relationships flourish, knowledge is shared, and growth becomes a daily endeavour.

We envision a world where every member of our community feels valued, inspired, and equipped with the tools and resources needed to thrive in their work, business, and life. 

Who | the passionate people behind The Collective.

Jasmine and Ben

Jasmine, with a background in management and leadership, is driven by her commitment to fostering relationships that fuel innovation and personal growth. Her vision for The Collective is to create a dynamic community and a beautiful space where individuals can harness and grow their potential. As a mother of two, she understands the importance of achieving a work-life balance and is dedicated to supporting fellow parents in their professional endeavors.

Ben, a tradesman by day and a dedicated father, brings his passion for productivity and getting things done to The Collective. He believes in the power of community and is excited to channel his skills into helping others achieve their goals. For Ben, The Collective is a space where members can chase their dreams and overcome obstacles together, supported by a strong sense of camaraderie.

Matt and Kristina

Matt, a self-proclaimed coworking enthusiast, fell in love with the vibrant culture of coworking spaces during his time in London. With a background in data analytics, Matt is passionate about fostering collaboration and igniting the creative spirit within Latrobe City. He envisions The Collective as a hub where local talent can come together, share ideas, and bring their visions to life in an inspiring work environment.

Kristina, a primary school teacher and new mother, is excited to bring her passion for education and community building to The Collective. She sees the space as an opportunity to create a thriving community in Traralgon, where like-minded individuals can come together to share their interests and passions. Krissy is eager to be an active part of the community and looks forward to working alongside members to build something incredible together.

Together, we are committed to creating a welcoming and supportive community at The Collective, where members can thrive both personally and professionally.

Join us and be part of something special